About ParisHiltonSite.net
[This page will be updated soon]
Who runs ParisHiltonSite.net? Who is ParisHiltonSite.net? Who is this person always writing about Paris Hilton? What truly motivated this fan to set up a serious website about Paris Hilton? Note: "This is Paris" refers to a documentary and not to Paris Hilton. I am not Paris Hilton.
Paris Hilton Holding ParisHiltonSite.net Sign
Below is a picture of Paris Hilton holding a ParisHiltonSite.net sign. Yours truly, the host of this website, possibly took the greatest picture ever!
I met Paris Hilton at Browns store, in Montreal, on April 5th, 2008. Paris came to Montreal to launch her Footwear collection in Canada. During my meeting with Paris, I asked her if she could write a few comments for her PHS fans on the blue paper. She was kind enough to allow me to take a picture of her with the ParisHiltonSite.net sign and note.
Witten on the note: www.ParisHiltonSite.net - A Tribute to Paris Hilton - "I love you all. Thank you [for all your] support. That's hot! Love always Paris Hilton xoxo"