Adam W. Meets Paris Hilton
So i was lucky enough to meet paris, at her signing in Selfridges department store. London Me and my 3 friends arrived at selfridges just seconds after paris had arrived in a big yellow taxi with benji her mum kathy and her dad rick. she was amazing at working the press, she was probably outside for a good 5minutes posing and even signing for a few lucky fans before gradually entering the store.
we were unable to get into the store for a few minutes as there were masses of people waiting just inside of the doors waiting for a glimse. when we were finally able to enter we managed to see paris for a few seconds before she headed downstairs to start the signing.
Luckily for me i saw paris's mum kathy and shouted over to her,she smiled and waved and then walked over, so i had a picture with her and then told her our situation, being that we were unable to get a v.i.p pass to meet paris, due to the fact that we were unable to buy the fragrance the day before. i explained that this was only as we were not from london and were unable to travel up the day before. i also told her that i was a huge fan of paris and that i had everything she had ever done.
Kathy then told me to wait there a second, whilst she goes to see Mason who was the hilton's personal secuirty. well paris's anyway. So she went and chatted to him and shortly after Mason walked over to us and said he'd be back in 20 minutes with some passes for us.
Anyways after about 40minutes of waiting i started to get a little nervous, and anyway it goes on for ages. long story short we seen kathy again and she took us to the esculator which was blocked off. and told the security to let us straight down and to go the front of the que.
Meeting Paris
My three friends went first and all got a picture with her and got a signed promotional photo.
Just before i went up literally as i was standing beside the table paris's manager jason who was holding a camera came upto me, and said this is paris's camera is there anything you wanna say. so i obviously did, i told that i loved her and loads of other stuff. i did freak a lil bit, and at one point paris looked over to me as i was doing it and smiled which in itself AMAZING
Jason also said that some of the footage he got througout the day was going to be used for Paris's new tv show and that he was going to record my meeting with her if that was ok. So anyway as i got the table she looked at me and said 'hey sexy' and i was like omg paris i actually love you. and she laughed and then she took my things that i had brought for her to sign and she was like oh wow u have everything.
Then she was like oh u wanna take a picture? so obviously i was like um yeah so she got up out of her chair and and we did just a smile photo and then i asked if we could have a pouting photo, she was like yeah sure of course, so we did that and then she sat back down and proceeded to sign my things, first off my picture that i had taken with her from the world music awards in 2006 and she was like omg i remember this you were sooo sweet, this is such a cute picture, i told her then that she looked amazing and to allow me looking like i did but i was just overley exited.
And then this woman came up to the table and told paris and me that she could only sign two things of mine as there was still a huge que of people and she didnt have alot of time left, so i was like yeah sure no problem and paris said oh dont worry i want too. so she signed EVERYTHING that i had bought which included:
- The Simple Life Seasons 1,2,3,4 & 5
- Nine Lives
- The Hottie & The Nottie
- Bottom's Up
- Pledge This, for which i had two the Uk and Us version
- The Hillz
- Paris album sleeve and my other limited edition cover
- Nothing In This World Single
- Turn It Up Single
- Stars Are Blind Single
- House Of Wax
- and my photo with her.
Whilst she was signing my stuff we were chatting about loads of different things...
Her clothing line as i told her that i had just bought one of her hoodie's but that they only had woman's to which she said awww im going to do a men's line too.
Britney, as i said that it was the best time ever when i saw the pictures of them together as they are like my favourite people and she said aww thankyou so much i love britney shes a sweetheart
She then got up and gave me a hug, which was really sweet and i told her that she should move here to which she said aww i do love it here, its definetely one of my favourite places in the world, we also chatted briefly about how she was and Benji and what not.
Oh i almost forgot at one point, im assuming somebody must have told paris that kathy had gotten us passes to go down as she asked me about Kathy im not 100% sure what she asked but i said 'Yes, i actually love her, shes amazing.' paris was like i know isnt she, where is she? at this point kathy was upstairs watching me meeting paris so i pointed up and waved and she shouted down to paris saying 'Hi Bitzi' which im guessing is her nickname for her
and paris was like hey mom love you.
So as i was leaving she said thankyou soo much, love you sexy. and then grabbed my hand and was like oh i forgot to write you one of these (pointing to the promo photos) so she wrote me one saying adam, i love you. paris hilton xoxo and gave me another hug.
I then walked around the corner and was handed a goody bad which had 1 of paris's tshirts from her line in.
and then we saw benji so we managed to get his attention and my friend shauna called him over and asked him for a picture, which he said yes too. so after we had all got them he left and sat back down. (he was very very quiet, maybe he's just not use to the attention or something i dunno) and then we got on the elevator to go back upstairs, and we shouted bye down to paris. so she looked up and said bye, and then went bye you which im not gona lie to you was amazing. my friend has it on tape. amazing.
So we then left and went for some food, but when we sat down we noticed that the tshirts were tiny so we decided to go back and see if there were any larger sizes to swap for, anyways when we got there paris was still there. now at this point it was 4 o clock in the afternoon and she was scheduled to be there until 2.30 so we thought oh we'll go back down and just watch ya know it is paris hilton, doesnt happen very often.
We went down and got to the front of the barriers, just as she was just coming to the end of the vip que. after she had finished she kept signing the promotional stills. which i though was a bit strange anyways. she then proceeded to do photos for the press and some with the staff at selfridges. then benji camne over to her and they were chatting and hugging for a bit all the while she was still signing these this point there was a massive crowd of pepole waiting at the barriers to try and see her.
So security went over to her and seemed as if they were getting ready to usher her away. which is understandable she had been there for just over 4 hours at this point and was only suppsed to be there for 2 but she told them no and pointed at the crowd and waved at me again, and smiled and then a few minutes later she walked over with a massive pile of the pictures she had signed and proceeded to hand them out to the waiting crowd she also took plenty of time to chat to people, posed for LOADS of pictures. and gave me a kiss and also she did me a little video message.
Anyways after about ten minutes security said she had to go, so she waved goodbye and that was that basiclally.
I wanted to share this with [ParisHiltonSite] as i thought it would show peple how much she cares for her fans and how sweet a person she is.