Paris Hilton Forum > General Discussion > Britney Spears' VMA Performance
Subject: Britney Spears' VMA Performance
Original Poster: Enkil
Posted on 10-9-2007 at 02:09 AM
I just watched Britney's performance at VMA. I'm not interested in Britney, but I like to compare her to Paris. But it's more like, I look at
Britney and say to myself "should Paris do this or take this direction or not?"
I can already hear the celebrity haters building up their hatred on Britney, but I was disappointed by this performance.
I have to say that if Paris decides to perform, she should not consider doing something like this. I think Britney looked very nice on stage, but her
performance was not good in my opinion. She especially wasn't moving enough. It was way too simple!
I really liked her "Slave 4 U" performance in 2001. It was a lot more alive and fun. I hope Paris will do something like that or ever better when
her time comes.
God how I wish it was Paris performing "Turn You On" on that stage. I'd design the whole performance myself and make it a memorable one! Hire me,
Reply: Princess
Posted on 10-9-2007 at 08:35 AM
britney wasn't even happy that she was on stage! I'm big fan of britney and I really accepted better than that but the fault isn't britney's or
anyone its only sarah the one that also made fun of paris before she went to jail! She is so cruel to make fun of britney's babies
Reply: terrellezell
Posted on 10-9-2007 at 08:45 PM
She was just nervous I think. She'll do better next time!
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 11-9-2007 at 12:48 AM
She didn't look into it, she looked like ugh whatever. I'm a big fan of Britney too, I think she looked AMAZING. But yeah as Enkil said the preformance wasn't that great. Paris sining Turn It Up would be so hot, the playback playing and her singing along, with dancers, flashing lights, smoke. It would be sooo hott.
Reply: KKLandMe
Posted on 11-11-2007 at 10:33 PM
i hope paris performs
but i don't know if she could ever top Britney's 2001 slave performance or 2003 performance w/ madonna