Paris Hilton Forum > Line Collection > Anyone going to the London Singing for Can Can?

Subject: Anyone going to the London Singing for Can Can?

Original Poster: Daniel_PHUKNO1FAN
Posted on 10-5-2008 at 04:27 PM

Is anybody going to the London signing this month for the CanCan Signing?
I won't be arriving til about 2oclock on the wednesday do you think there will be an V.i.p passes left to meet Paris?

Reply: Enkil
Posted on 10-5-2008 at 08:04 PM


enbis78, a member of this forum, said he may attend the event and meet Paris.

You should buy a bottle of Can Can as soon as possible because those VIP passes sell out pretty quickly.

And if you get the chance to meet her, please share with us your experience! :)

Reply: Daniel_PHUKNO1FAN
Posted on 12-5-2008 at 09:57 PM

i won't be able to buy a bottle till the wednesday as thats what day i will be travelling down, as i live 5hours away.
It would be great if i knew somebody who was going to the the CanCan and pick me one up and i could pay them back and get my pass, but i don't know anyone. So i'll have to hope theres some passes left, i pray to god.

Reply: parislover
Posted on 18-5-2008 at 05:29 PM

i went!!! was amazing!!!