Paris Hilton Forum > Music > Paris (Unreleased Songs)
Subject: Paris (Unreleased Songs)
Original Poster: cjaafari
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 02:26 PM
Does anyone know were or why the songs were scrapped from Paris's debut album, I have heard clips across the net and they sound amazing. Maybe they
werent good enough for the album or she is saving them for a second but there is some definite copies out there.
1. Heart Of Glass- This song was a copy of Blondies hit and was stated on the tracklist of Paris Hiltons album, and she sung the song in a club here
is clip.
2. Are You With It? - A definite song which was produced by Scott Storch and was supposed to be on the album. The song can be heard in the background
of Paris Hiltons making the album documentry, this song would have been hot, here is a clip i found.
3. Fame - This was another song which was meant to be on the album, and I think it was cover, but she sung this song live again in a club. Here is a
I wonder what ever happened to these songs, post your comment on them, there must be copies of these songs out there somewhere, most definite Are you
with it because It was stated as a Japan hidden bonus track on some rare promo CD.
Reply: MyLastView
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 02:57 PM
Yes, "Fame" is a David Bowie cover.
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 04:42 PM
You're right. These songs were on some rare promo CD, but they were never leaked/released. Only Paris and Scott have these songs. So someone needs to
go to Scott's studio, steal them and post them here!
Reply: hiram_hilton
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 09:13 PM
LOL Enkil that would be hot!!!!!
they maybe can include them as bonus tracks for the next album, so bad they weren´t in Paris. Actually, in the first trackllist (realor fake dont
know) I saw Heart Of Glass and are you with it, but no Nothing In this world nor not leaving without you, but it´s good NITW is in the album it´s my
fave song.
I downloaded the "full" heart of glass song from Ares, I dont know if its the real one (I highly doubt it is) but I cant open it since its
Also, for the second album there was this rumored tracklist with 6 songs by now, that had: fame, love me for me, c´mon c´mon, strip, heart of glass
and daddy´s litte girl... we´ll see if they include them in this release or not, everything can change
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 09:50 PM
I've also downloaded Are You With It and Heart of Glass, but they're all fake, even the protected ones. I want Are You With It so badly; it is such an amazing song.
Reply: cjaafari
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 11:09 PM
I know me too, I want Are you with it, someone has to tell Paris or do a petition. In Scotts Storchs directory of produced songs Are You With It, is
there and people have had promos and listened to it.On popjustice they did a review of Pari's album and this included Are You With It so this promo
must be around somewere.
Popjustice states 11. 'Are You With It'
Paris does crunk, having presumably found this in Ciara's bins.
Also Paris stated she recorded 7 songs for a rock album and only kept Screwed, and decided to in a diffrent direction and work with Scott Storch, some
of this is stated in her documentary.
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 11:17 PM
I think Perez Hilton has also heard Are You With It.
Reply: cjaafari
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 11:21 PM
Maybe we should email him or start a petition
Reply: worldtraveler
Posted on 28-7-2007 at 11:59 PM
Does anyone know all of her unreleased songs or songs that are not included on the cd but exist somewhere?
Reply: cjaafari
Posted on 29-7-2007 at 03:05 PM
Yh here is a supposed list, but Are You With it, is a definite because its played in the documentary.
Party That Never Ends
Hard On Me
Heart of Glass (Blondie cover)
Fame (David Bowie cover)
Wise Up
That's Hot
Are You With It?
It's Like That
Love Me For Me
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 29-7-2007 at 09:19 PM
The only unreleased songs are Are You With It, Heart Of Glass, and Fame.
Strip was never by Paris, That's Hot was a rumored track and was never confirmed, and those other tracks are most likely fake or were the rock tracks
Paris made aloonngg time ago.
I don't think Are You With It will make it on the second album seeing as it was on the first album.
I agree, we should e-mail Perez.
Reply: Wellsbro
Posted on 29-7-2007 at 09:35 PM
I have no idea why her songs never made it I've heard 2 songs that were amazing by her Stars Are Blind and Nothing In This World these 2 songs are awesome she's my favorite singer.
Reply: cjaafari
Posted on 30-7-2007 at 10:36 PM
Well we have to email Perez, but I dont know what his email is? I wish we could just get them lol. Anyone meeting her for a signing or anything lol.
Reply: worldtraveler
Posted on 9-8-2007 at 09:29 AM
Quote: |
Originally posted by cjaafari Well we have to email Perez, but I dont know what his email is? I wish we could just get them lol. Anyone meeting her for a signing or anything lol. |
Reply: enbis78
Posted on 13-8-2007 at 10:58 AM
I found something if people are interested:
You wouldn't describe it as an unreleased song exactly. It's more just Paris messing about in the studio doing freestyle type singing over some
beats, and obviously just making it up as she goes> It's kind of fun, though, and as sexy as ever!
Reply: thewaymouth
Posted on 7-4-2008 at 03:46 AM
I think this is the song enbis is referring to, but that video has since been removed.
Well, this is even better because it's an mp3 & the sound is glorious.
This is a lounge/jazz/blues number, that sounds like it was cut live in the studio with a band.
The music is a cool burn. The lyrics are fun, funny, sexy, hot. (The words remind me of her hot letters to Nick Carter that were leaked in late
I am so damn impressed. There are no overdubs, no co-singers. No question she can sing live. The timing is utterly brilliant. It’s poetry on parade.
"What You Do To Me" is my new favorite thing from Paris.