Paris Hilton Forum > Paris Hilton > Will Paris Hilton remain hooked to Benji Madden?
Subject: Will Paris Hilton remain hooked to Benji Madden?
Original Poster: cc17
Posted on 25-4-2008 at 04:09 PM
i found this story about what might happen to benji and paris and i wanted to know how you feel about it.
Paris Hilton is the name which shrugs an introduction. She is an American celebutante, singer, actress, model, and businesswoman, best known for her
television series, The Simple Life. This Hollywood model/actress has recently declared that she is experiencing the magic of love and is on cloud
nine. The man behind her happiness is none other than Benji Madden - twin brother of Joel Madden. Ben and Joel both are part of American Pop Rock band
'Good Charlotte'.
Paris Hilton did not have to do much to be in limelight. She came into limelight only after her 'sex-tape' with Rick Salomon, Pamela Anderson's
current beau, was released. Now Paris has hooked up with Benji and she seems to be very happy with him. There are bets and votings on this affair.
Amidst all these, Ganesha studies Paris and Benji's horoscopes with the help of Vedic Astrology and Sun Sign, to check longevity of this
Paris Hilton
Date of birth- February 17, 1981
Time- 3 a.m.
Place- New York, NY, USA
Benji Madden (Benjamin Levi Combs or Benjamin Levi Madden)
Date of birth- March 11, 1979
Time- Unknown
Place- Waldorf, Maryland, USA
Benji Madden's Surya Kundli
Ganesha observes that Paris' Sun Sign is Aquarius and Benji's is Pisces. From compatibility point of view, this is very average match as both the
Sun Signs are in 2:12 ratio. Why Paris and Benji are attracted to each other? Well the answer is very simple. Paris Hilton's Venus is in Capricorn
and so Benji's Venus too! Venus in Capricorn makes person desperate and possessive in case of love and related matters. However, it also teaches many
things which one has to learn with efforts. That's the case with Paris and Benji. Both have Mars in Aquarius so sexual desires and drives are equally
strong at both the ends. Ganesha notes that Benji's retrograde Jupiter falls on Paris' Moon and Rahu. This is why Paris is feeling very happy and
'lucky' to be in love with Benji.
The Big Mystery-Will Paris Hilton and Benji Madden relationship last?
Although both have Venus in the same sign and Mars too in the same sign, Ganesha finds the time between 1st May 2008 to 17th November 2009 to be
highly difficult for the couple while Rahu transits through Capricorn over Paris and Benji's Venus. Ganesha feels that despite good potential of
going ahead with this relationship this couple may be prone to disruptions, misunderstandings,
mistrust and estrangement in the said period.
Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless Paris Hilton and Benji Madden with happiness in this relationship.
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 25-4-2008 at 06:13 PM
I hope not, I really hope not. I feel torn between two sides: shall I be happy that she's happy? Or shall I be depressed that she might remain with
this guy, and cut off ALL chance of my dreams coming true?
If they do the M-word (rhymes with ferrage), I hope SHE keeps the name Hilton. Paris Madden sounds sick - it would not be her. As long as she'd
have that name, I wouldn't love her - I love Paris Hilton, not Paris Madden. It would be a vile blow to my soul if she tarnished her beautiful name
like that.
In general, I hope it doesn't last long.
Reply: Andrei
Posted on 27-4-2008 at 07:30 AM
Now Exhale....
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 1-5-2008 at 06:05 AM
Some of the latest news has been causing me emotional pain.
Reply: Andrei
Posted on 1-5-2008 at 03:42 PM
But U inhale...
Reply: enbis78
Posted on 5-5-2008 at 04:39 PM
Paris seems happier with Benji that I can remember her with anyone else. And he seems like a genuinely nice guy, who appreciates her, unlike some of
the nasty exploitative b******s she's been with in the past. Also, I like the way that he isn't a typical plastic looking male model type. He has
his own alternative style, and the fact Paris is cool with this shows what we knew - that she isn't shallow like the haters say.
Plus he's a musician. I'm not a big Good Charlotte fan, but he's a creative person, like Paris is, and that can only increase what they have in
Benji is the only one of her boyfriend's I've liked, and most importantly SHE'S HAPPY! If Paris is happy, then I'm happy. Good luck to them both.
Reply: Django
Posted on 5-5-2008 at 05:44 PM
I share your sentiments overall, enbis78.
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 5-5-2008 at 06:03 PM
The problem is that I am torn between being happy for her, and being depressed that my dreams may shatter to bits. I dislike Benji, he seems a little
bit of a male chauvinist with too much chivalry and whatnot. It just would hurt me if she got engaged/married/pregnant, because it would mean my
dreams have no chance of coming true if she "remains hooked" to Benji.
What I hate is when everyone thinks my little dilema is a joke. What I especially hate is when a girl named Dawn on responds to my comments, usually starting with a big
fat "LOL" as if it's a joke. Whenever she does that I want to just call her a bitch, but I can't really in the comments. I hate the fact that we
live in a world where a peasant has no chance with a beautiful princess, such as Paris.
Reply: Andrei
Posted on 5-5-2008 at 07:47 PM
You are nice guy Morgan
Sorry for my black humor,
- But when you sent the letter to Paris, what has been drawn at postmark ?
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 5-5-2008 at 11:20 PM
Thanks. What do you mean by postmark?
Reply: Django
Posted on 6-5-2008 at 07:34 AM
Although I'm obviously more supportive and positive about Paris and Benji than you Morgan, I do understand and feel your dilemna. But I want Paris
to be happy and it does seem that Benji fulfills that need for her. I agree with Enbis78 that it's good to see Paris dating a guy who isn't the
usual Hollywood type.
I do think you're getting chivalry and chauvinism/misogyny mixed up though, they don't have to go hand in hand.
I sometimes agree with things Dawn says, but I think she can rub people the wrong way and can come across as elitist or judgemental of class at times.
To be honest there's a few people at the main site that I can't figure out. We're all fans but there's a lot of fighting and disagreement and I
tend to get ignored by the regulars there as if they're too good for scum like me or something.
It's not the fact that a "peasant" has no chance with a girl like Paris (although I've often felt that way too), it's more that there are a lot
of peasants and we can't all get the same thing (lots of other men or women have more than one admirer or can't return the feelings someone has for
them) or what we want. People are cursed by dreams they have no way of fulfilling or that are beyond their ability.
Anyway, I have to support Paris in what makes her happy, because I know how hard happiness is to come by and her being miserable certainly wouldn't
make me happy.
Reply: parishiltonfan4life
Posted on 6-5-2008 at 03:47 PM
Quote: |
Originally posted by enbis78 Paris seems happier with Benji that I can remember her with anyone else. And he seems like a genuinely nice guy, who appreciates her, unlike some of the nasty exploitative b******s she's been with in the past. Also, I like the way that he isn't a typical plastic looking male model type. He has his own alternative style, and the fact Paris is cool with this shows what we knew - that she isn't shallow like the haters say. Plus he's a musician. I'm not a big Good Charlotte fan, but he's a creative person, like Paris is, and that can only increase what they have in common. Benji is the only one of her boyfriend's I've liked, and most importantly SHE'S HAPPY! If Paris is happy, then I'm happy. Good luck to them both. |

Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 6-5-2008 at 04:09 PM
I dislike chivalry, but in the general sense - it doesn't mean I'd treat women like crap. I love Paris deeply and I would quite frankly do anything
for her. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, but I wouldn't be some overly protective guy.
You can get a psychological profile of me rather easily by reading my blog:
Quote: |
Originally posted by Django Although I'm obviously more supportive and positive about Paris and Benji than you Morgan, I do understand and feel your dilemna. But I want Paris to be happy and it does seem that Benji fulfills that need for her. I agree with Enbis78 that it's good to see Paris dating a guy who isn't the usual Hollywood type. I do think you're getting chivalry and chauvinism/misogyny mixed up though, they don't have to go hand in hand. I sometimes agree with things Dawn says, but I think she can rub people the wrong way and can come across as elitist or judgemental of class at times. To be honest there's a few people at the main site that I can't figure out. We're all fans but there's a lot of fighting and disagreement and I tend to get ignored by the regulars there as if they're too good for scum like me or something. It's not the fact that a "peasant" has no chance with a girl like Paris (although I've often felt that way too), it's more that there are a lot of peasants and we can't all get the same thing (lots of other men or women have more than one admirer or can't return the feelings someone has for them) or what we want. People are cursed by dreams they have no way of fulfilling or that are beyond their ability. Anyway, I have to support Paris in what makes her happy, because I know how hard happiness is to come by and her being miserable certainly wouldn't make me happy. |
Reply: thewaymouth
Posted on 12-5-2008 at 12:17 AM
Picture posted by the member is unavailable.
Club Villa, Beverly Hills, CA - May 10, 2008 - BTW, that's a diamond necklace pendant "B" for her boy, Benji.
I wish them the best - & here's wishing he will inspire her to focus on her music career - but bottom line: whatever makes her happy. x Mike
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 12-5-2008 at 04:49 AM
I wish I could be more than a fan someday. I really do. She, the lovely, beautiful angel she is, will always be out of my reach. Whenever me and my
mother plan on going to Beverly Hills to meet her, she leaves LA or something, whenever I send her a letter, something negative happens to prevent my
hopes from coming true.
I sent her the most heartfelt letter ever, in February. I begged her, in the letter, to reply with a written letter. I hoped that my words would touch
her heart, brighten her day, but they never will. She began dating Benji Madden a bit later, and went on fucking tour with him. She might read it, she
might reply, but it will never be what I want it to be. I wanted to maybe have some contact with her, and be more than a meager fan, but NO,
it’s impossible.
I cannot say I’ll ever like Benji Madden. Every night I pray that the next day, I don’t read something about her getting engaged, or her
saying she’s pregnant, not because I don’t want her to be happy, but because I don’t want to die on the inside.
Reply: Princess
Posted on 17-5-2008 at 04:55 PM
Quote: |
Originally posted by enbis78 Paris seems happier with Benji that I can remember her with anyone else. And he seems like a genuinely nice guy, who appreciates her, unlike some of the nasty exploitative b******s she's been with in the past. Also, I like the way that he isn't a typical plastic looking male model type. He has his own alternative style, and the fact Paris is cool with this shows what we knew - that she isn't shallow like the haters say. Plus he's a musician. I'm not a big Good Charlotte fan, but he's a creative person, like Paris is, and that can only increase what they have in common. Benji is the only one of her boyfriend's I've liked, and most importantly SHE'S HAPPY! If Paris is happy, then I'm happy. Good luck to them both. |