Paris Hilton Forum > Paris Hilton > About Benji Madden
Subject: About Benji Madden
Original Poster: Paris89Hilton
Posted on 25-2-2008 at 11:25 PM
this new is on internet for some days...
Paris is dating with Benji Madden, the brother of Nicole Richie's husband, because they were seen together at the "Day Late Valentine's Day Party"
in Las Vegas on Feb.15th (Paris was there with some girlfriends), then they were at Home Nightclub in St. Louis on Feb.23rd (Paris was in St.Louis to
promoting CanCan)...and so says they are officially dating now, probably because this site has a video in which Paris and Benji arrived at LAX
Airport from St.Louis with the same flight, but they're not seen together...
I think they're not dating, but just friends...and is drawing hasty conclusions.
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 26-2-2008 at 05:49 PM
They were seen holding hands and whatnot. I fucking hope it's just some rumor and they're just friends.
Reply: terrellezell
Posted on 26-2-2008 at 09:01 PM
Yes I saw a pic of them holding hands on Perez. I cant believe that!
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 27-2-2008 at 02:11 AM
He's ugly.
Reply: parishiltonfan4life
Posted on 28-2-2008 at 04:34 AM
I just hope if they're together that he makes her happy, treats her with respect and treats her the way she deserves to be treated. We all deserve to have someone who loves us and makes us happy and feel special.
Reply: Heiress
Posted on 28-2-2008 at 10:10 PM
Well, why not if she loves him.... I still find it weird that Paris chooses from all the men in the world the brother of her friend's fiancee...
Yeah, love's really blind.
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 1-3-2008 at 05:51 AM
There is no evidence that they really are together. I hope they aren't, because honestly, he is freaking ugly. She's thin and pretty, he's fat,
bald, and hairy, blah!
Everyone seems to think it's so cute that the two of them are in relationships with two people who happen to be brothers, it's nothing cute to me.
If Paris and Nicole and the other two were teenagers and whatnot, it would be cute, but they are 27 and 26, life isn't supposed to be "cute."
I honestly hope that oneday I'll atleast have a chance to meet her, but I wanna be more than just some fan.
Reply: Django
Posted on 1-3-2008 at 11:02 AM
I don't know anything about this guy and can't judge him (although I'll admit I don't like the look of him and some people think he's just
getting back at his ex).
However, FallenMorgan are you really claiming that "fat, bald and hairy" (not to mention "freaking ugly") aren't allowed to get beautiful girls
or have no rights to their own happiness. Maybe you think everyone like that should just be exterminated huh, regardless of what other qualities they
may have?
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 2-3-2008 at 06:23 AM
I just think that men like him shouldn't date PARIS of all people. I don't mind ugly men dating nice looking women, just not when the girl is an absolute beautiful shining angel such as Paris.
Reply: Django
Posted on 2-3-2008 at 10:06 AM
Well I'm just glad that the world we live in is a place where women can decide for themselves who to date and sometimes even the ugly guy has a
chance (so long as the ugly guy has worthwhile qualities). I'd rather see an ugly but nice, caring and good natured person happy than some
attractive but nasty person.
Paris herself spoke of "inner beauty" while promoting The Hottie And The Nottie and has said that it's what someone is like inside that counts in
interviews. Not sure she'd appreciate someone she seems to be friends with being called "freaking ugly", "fat" or "bald" in a derogatory
Reply: Andrei
Posted on 2-3-2008 at 02:12 PM
This Paris also not so good inside...
She is a litle devil !!!
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 2-3-2008 at 07:27 PM
If she's friends with him that would be fine with me. I myself am not exactly the best looking person ever. I'm 5'11, 125 or so lbs, I have hair
that looks like Stavros's hair, all ugly looking, I have white, pasty skin, and whatnot.
There's a difference though. Generally when I bash her boyfriends it's because for a brief while I feel like my dreams are being smashed to little
bits. I care about her, I sent her a letter and everything, and I want to be more than just some meager fan.
Reply: Heiress
Posted on 5-3-2008 at 09:57 AM
Quote: |
There's a difference though. Generally when I bash her boyfriends it's because for a brief while I feel like my dreams are being smashed to little bits. I care about her, I sent her a letter and everything, and I want to be more than just some meager fan. |
Anyway, I think that they're dating, but I couldn't imagine Paris to marry him... It would be so absurd.
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 5-3-2008 at 04:41 PM
I fucking hope they're not dating. No evidence.
Reply: Django
Posted on 6-3-2008 at 09:43 AM
Apparently they went out to a Linkin Park concert together, although going to a concert is something you can do with a friend too. It irked me that a report said Paris was "flaunting" her new boyfriend. Is everyone who goes out on a date (or just with a friend) "flaunting" or are they just living a normal life? Just like Paris was apparently "bragging" on TV about how many dogs she had, when it seems to me like she was just answering one of Ellen's questions. Nothing new, but I just hate the double standard that gets applied to Paris.
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 6-3-2008 at 10:24 PM
It would heavily hurt me if they were really together as more than just friends. There's not really much evidence that they're more than friends.
Reply: Princess
Posted on 17-3-2008 at 03:18 PM
Quote: |
Originally posted by FallenMorgan It would heavily hurt me if they were really together as more than just friends. There's not really much evidence that they're more than friends. |

Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 17-3-2008 at 03:30 PM
Yeah happy that out of a bunch of guys (like me) who are relatively nice she's going to end up with a guy who looks absolutely gross. I only look
mildly gross:
Pictures posted by the member is unavailable.
Reply: Princess
Posted on 17-3-2008 at 05:43 PM
he's not gross. if you don't like him she does and so much other people.
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 17-3-2008 at 07:06 PM
Atleast maybe he could go to a gym or something.
Reply: Princess
Posted on 17-3-2008 at 07:38 PM
how can you be so rude? ok I'm not going to comment anymore :/
Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 17-3-2008 at 08:54 PM
I'm sorry. It's just that my dreams are like glass thrown on the floor right now, and as the two of them gets closer it's like the shards of glass are being ground into dust.
Reply: Andrei
Posted on 18-3-2008 at 10:16 AM
Morgan don't be so cynical ...
And give back wig to your grany plz