Paris Hilton Forum > Paris Hilton > Welcome to (Page 1)
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Subject: Welcome to (Page 1)
Original Poster: Enkil
Posted on 16-7-2007 at 07:58 PM
This forum is still being tested. Feel free to post topics and discuss with other fans.
Reply: herocksdude
Posted on 16-7-2007 at 08:53 PM
yay, hey i remember your username from, i got the same username of there too
Reply: Django
Posted on 16-7-2007 at 09:12 PM
I hope this forum takes off as some of the other ones I've seen are either dead, riddled with spambots or have too many haters (thankfully that latter one won't be a problem here).
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 16-7-2007 at 09:18 PM
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Originally posted by Django I hope this forum takes off as some of the other ones I've seen are either dead, riddled with spambots or have too many haters (thankfully that latter one won't be a problem here). |

Reply: Enkil
Posted on 16-7-2007 at 09:40 PM
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Originally posted by herocksdude yay, hey i remember your username from, i got the same username of there too |
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 04:40 AM
Haha Enkil, remember me from hollywood forums? We were the ones crazed about Paris' music! Gosh I remember when you first started this site with a
little banner in your siggy.
Haha hopefully you remember me, my display names were Turn You On, and thisbekevinn.
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 04:47 AM
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Originally posted by kevinareblind Haha Enkil, remember me from hollywood forums? We were the ones crazed about Paris' music! Gosh I remember when you first started this site with a little banner in your siggy. Haha hopefully you remember me, my display names were Turn You On, and thisbekevinn. |
I'm getting ready to launch this forum, but I'm not sure how successful it will become.
We seriously need a real Paris forum, don't we? hehe
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 06:15 AM
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Originally posted by Enkil
I'm getting ready to launch this forum, but I'm not sure how successful it will become. We seriously need a real Paris forum, don't we? hehe |
Anyways, I think it's cool Paris checks out your website. It's amazing watching this website grow! Have you ever talked to her or anything yet? I just can't wait for the day to meet her, to bad she never comes to Seattle. I hope she does a full blown out tour and advertising for her second album. Going to A LOT more cities than just 3 like last time. Also she should focus into Singapore, Thailand, etc because they LOVE HER. And she really needs to advertise more in the UK. A music tour with concerts etc would be nice but highly unlikely.
Reply: herocksdude
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 06:35 AM
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Originally posted by Enkil
Reply: herocksdude
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 06:39 AM
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Originally posted by Django I hope this forum takes off as some of the other ones I've seen are either dead, riddled with spambots or have too many haters (thankfully that latter one won't be a problem here). |
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 06:53 AM
I thought this is interesting but I guess Paris cover of "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" was a exclusive single for Italy.
It's from wiki, so it might be a lie. I've never heard about this and I guess it got a lot of airplay in Italy.
Reply: Django
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 07:54 AM
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Originally posted by herocksdude [quoteYes!!! I know right, remember that woman who had her own children as a signature who was constantly denying thing she said and I read all the things you said and they were all so true and she was so stupid, just like all the others there haha |
So many forums of any type attract nutters that are incapable of arguing from facts or reason and just make it up as they go along or just love to antagonise people. They usually end up contradicting themselves of course (not that they'd ever admit it).
I'm glad this is a forum for and by Paris fans - a breath of fresh air

Reply: herocksdude
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 07:56 AM
here's a new video where she is asked about a new album!
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 06:03 PM
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Originally posted by herocksdude
I was way too harsh on her and said some crazy things. But she was too much of a hater!
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 06:08 PM
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Originally posted by kevinareblind I thought this is interesting but I guess Paris cover of "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" was a exclusive single for Italy. It's from wiki, so it might be a lie. I've never heard about this and I guess it got a lot of airplay in Italy. |
We don't hear about these things because the media doesn't consider them to be news, instead we have to always dig them up.
Anyway, Paris the album is almost dead now.
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 09:01 PM
It's sad "Paris" is dead, it had so much potential! I remember from the start of when this album came out I always wanted Screwed to be a
Her singles should have been..
Nothing In This World
Turn It Up*
Turn You On
*Turn It Up still being a club single.
The only reason Stars Are Blind did so good because it was Paris' first song/single and people wanted to hear it. After that... ughh.. She should
have released Nothing In This World first.
Reply: herocksdude
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 09:09 PM
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Originally posted by kevinareblind It's sad "Paris" is dead, it had so much potential! I remember from the start of when this album came out I always wanted Screwed to be a single.. Her singles should have been.. Nothing In This World Turn It Up* Screwed Turn You On *Turn It Up still being a club single. The only reason Stars Are Blind did so good because it was Paris' first song/single and people wanted to hear it. After that... ughh.. She should have released Nothing In This World first. |
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 09:26 PM
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Originally posted by herocksdude
I think we can all agree that she did not take her album seriously (in promoting it, etc).
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 17-7-2007 at 09:31 PM
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Originally posted by Enkil
I think we can all agree that she did not take her album seriously (in promoting it, etc). |
She did say she knows her place in music now, and she's aiming more twards the hip/hop pop album. I hope she does her second album right. I'm reallly looking froward to it. I think Heart Of Glass and Fame are long dead, she's never going to release those. But I do believe Daddy's Little Girl, Are You With It?, and "Don't Wanna Go Down" will be released. And also Dont Wanna Go Down sounded reallly "demo" and not "Paris"
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 18-7-2007 at 03:42 AM
Yeah. I don't think she's going to release Heart Of Glass and Fame, but maybe in the future.
I hate to say this, Kevin, but I'm not sure if Are You With It will be include. It was recorded for the first album, but since Paris said she wants
to make a better album, I'm not sure if she's going to include old songs. It's hard to say, but maybe it will be.
How many tracks did she record for her new album? We don't know.
It's going to be really amazing to hear these new songs. I mean, how can you produce songs better than Turn It Up, Jealousy and Turn You On? I'm
sure you agree with me on that, Kevin!
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 18-7-2007 at 08:06 AM
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Originally posted by Enkil Yeah. I don't think she's going to release Heart Of Glass and Fame, but maybe in the future. I hate to say this, Kevin, but I'm not sure if Are You With It will be include. It was recorded for the first album, but since Paris said she wants to make a better album, I'm not sure if she's going to include old songs. It's hard to say, but maybe it will be. How many tracks did she record for her new album? We don't know. It's going to be really amazing to hear these new songs. I mean, how can you produce songs better than Turn It Up, Jealousy and Turn You On? I'm sure you agree with me on that, Kevin! ![]() |
If Are You With It isn't included, I'm going to be VERY upset. Also this has always been bugging me, how do you know the song is even called Are You With It?
And about AYWI not making it to the second album, I don't believe it. She talked about how she had a lot of left over songs she made with Scott, not just Are You With It. So I'm pretty sure she will put that on there. And also she was talking about how she knows what kind of music is good for her now, she talked about how it's going to be more of a hiphop album.
Reply: Enkil
Posted on 18-7-2007 at 03:39 PM
It is called are you with it. It was reported by FOXNews and Perez Hilton
and other creditable sources. Plus, in the sample we have, at the end she says "Are you with it?"
I'm just not sure if she's going to include the older songs because she's recording new ones right now, but we'll see.
This is so exciting, I can't wait. I hope it won't take another 8 or 10 months to hear about her music!
Reply: kevinareblind
Posted on 18-7-2007 at 10:28 PM
I remember watching a interview and she was like I know my place in music now, my second album is going to come out a lot faster. But knowing Paris it will probably be out in April/May. Atleast she's recording new songs, I don't care what she puts out, I always love her music. This is really getting my excited I can't wait to hear some leaks!
Reply: thewaymouth
Posted on 23-7-2007 at 12:41 AM
I welcome Forum.
I'm late I'm late
but your on & off again friend
(but always on in my heart),
is just out of rehab.
Lo & behold
is in the her-house!
I will try my best to represent. I've been so busy readying & posting comments for the last few months of intense Paris goings-on, at the site
itself, I will have to try to figure out how best to divvy up my attention.
I enjoyed reading all of the above. Loves it...
As Mr PHS knows, I do declare everywhere that PARIS is the best album since it came out, 11 months ago to this very day.
I've loved her beauty, outrageousness, humor, sweetness, fabulousness for years. Then her music hit me & it felt like a kiss of bliss, a blessing
of a messing with my heart & mind fightin over her.
To the revival of PARIS.
To the release of new music.
To the start of the most fabulously fun tour in the history of pop.
To all her music fans.
To her staying free.
Most of all,
to whatever she wanna.
thewaymouth has attached this image:
Reply: hiram_hilton
Posted on 25-7-2007 at 10:18 PM
wow how a good idea parishiltonsite has it´s own forum...
I wish she releases fame and heart of glass, they are so good... anyway I want the new album, doesn´t matter which songs she includes
by the way, have you heard this sing called strip??????? it´s a demo but I have the entire whole sing and it sounds cool, it seems a little to LiLo´s
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