Paris Hilton Forum > Paris Hilton > Paris Hilton Hotel
Subject: Paris Hilton Hotel
Original Poster: ag1207
Posted on 16-1-2009 at 01:00 AM
I am an architecture student and am designing a paris Hilton Hotel, and wanted peoples views on this and what there ideal Paris Hilton hotel would be
Colour schemes - pink, gold?
a place where you would be pampered, personal shoppers?
store selling paris merchandise, dog merchandise?
complimentary paris fragrances in each room?
The site for the hotel is the Fuhrerebunker in Berlin, where Hitler died. Do you think this is good or bad, would this put you off staying there?
Please let me know your views
Reply: Johnny-bo
Posted on 11-2-2009 at 06:52 AM
The architecture of the building itself I couldn't say. But the lobby area could be surrounded with shops selling Paris Hilton Merchandise. Also
restaurants reminiscent of the French resistants could be on the bottom floor. I really don't think the weather is conducive for verdana type
but glass covered areas would be a centerpiece.
Reply: pauline
Posted on 17-2-2009 at 11:03 PM
The location, Hitler died there, will not be the best place for a hotel, I think. People may not want to sleep where Hitler spent his last days. Why don't you design a museum on this space, instead? A museum where people can go and reflect about WW II?
Reply: Master
Posted on 18-2-2009 at 12:32 AM
As i am german i can confirm you that building a hotel on the place where Hitler died would be a really, really bad idea^^
Reply: Johnny-bo
Posted on 21-2-2009 at 08:00 PM
After Thinking about it further. I had doubts myself and I really
Know little of the people or the climate.