Paris Hilton’s New Movie Announcement Under Media Blackout
I’m proud to announce that today, only, following, reported that Paris Hilton is working on a new movie called “Repo! The Genetic Opera.” Virtually all of the other news websites just automatically received the news from simultaneously.
99.9% of you heard this news only from Believe it or not, almost not a single blogger noticed the article and decided to post it on their website. If no blogger reports it, then you can safely bet that not a single news agency will. I can understand the Associated Press; this is not news worthy in really, but for bloggers, it is. The usual news website who often post fake news didn’t notice the news or ignored it.
In fact, most bloggers today reported the vicious false news that Paris Hilton did drugs with some guy in a club a few days ago, and that fake news was provided by none other than hate magazine US Weekly on their website.
Did the media and bloggers ignore the news deliberately because they couldn’t find anything negative in it? Hrm, no, they could’ve easily invented a joke since the movie sounds weird.
Or maybe it’s because the news came from Canada, and so no one noticed it.
However, the news will eventually spread, but my point is that you most likely first heard it from 😉
Posted: July 27th, 2007