Simple Life 2: Road Trip (2004)

In the second season of The Simple Life, Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie drive from Florida to California. With no cash or credit cards, they must depend and beg on other people they meet in the streets to give them money for gas and food. It is like riding as luggage in a car with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie and traveling all across the Southern states in the United States. That's what differs Simple Life from Simple Life 2. The show takes them through various jobs, such as being maids at a nudist resort. However, since they constantly meet new families as they travel, you won't see the same bond that Paris and Nicole had with the Leding family in this season.
Simple Life 2 is actually a lot of fun. The places they visit and the jobs they do are very enjoyable and funny to watch. And best of all, this season was filmed in spring and aired in summer. Some people think that this season is better, maybe because of its diversity. We also strongly recommend you to watch the "lost" episode called "The Stuff We Weren't Allowed To Show You," but unfortunately, it is no where to be found on the DVD version of Simple Life 2 or Simple Life 3. Simple Life 2 was almost as successful as its first season. Its ratings were good enough to make it one of the top shows of summer 2004!
Interesting facts
While riding a horse, Paris Hilton fell down, and the horse stepped on her stomach. She was airlifted to hospital by a helicopter. Then, the filming of the show resumed after she was released.

Simple Life 2: Road Trip DVD
DVD Features:
Available Subtitles: English, Spanish
Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
All 10 episodes
30-minute outtakes and deleted scenes reel
Lost episode from season 1
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