Singer/Actress/Model Paris Hilton Leaves Jail With Smiles
Paris Hilton is released from the Lynwood, California jail where she served a 23 day sentence.
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Posted: June 26th, 2007
From: thewaymouth
Time: June 26, 2007, 11:51 am
I knew she was out of course, but this is my first time seeing this.
*I’m a lil verklempt *
Talk amongst yourselves.
Here’s a topic:
Paris is neither a city nor a plaster.
She’s a lady.
…OK. I’m back. I’ll try to keep it together.
For Paris.
I simply love her.
& how the sound cuts out at the end of the video.
How you get to see her walk in slow motion, in silence.
She walks casually but then turns the entrance way to the jail into her own personal runway.
It’s her show.
Her latest release.
Her graduation.
Her freedom.
She looks at turns so…
Healthy. Glowing. Relieved. Grateful.
Excited. Happy. Young. Ecstatic.
…Never better.
Ma cherie, Paree.
Peace, Love & Understanding.
& in the last word of William Wallace,
From: Django
Time: June 27, 2007, 2:11 am
After all the initial concerns about Paris’s health and all at the start of all this, it was especially rewarding to see Paris looking so happy, grateful and bashful. What a gorgeous natural smile and once again she really seems so sweet. I’m so happy to see her get the freedom she deserved long before now.
From: thewaymouth
Time: June 27, 2007, 10:22 am
There is no one on earth who would or could have walked out the way she did from jail.
Can you imagine her walking on stage for the first time for her first pop tour? It would be electrifying.
I think she’s the most photogenic creature that ever lived. She could have been the only super-duper model. But it’s not just because she’s gorgeous. She turns it on & gives back like no one else. She’s an old time show girl for the modern age. She can do it for photographs, video camera & live.
Her tour would be such a hot damn glam fabulous party. In front of only her own fans, it would be a love fest that could not be bested. She would rocket & take us w/her.
But sadly I feel we’ll never see it.
This is what yesterday, what Paris reminds me of. It’s a short scene from the movie, Philadelphia Story.
(James Stewart) Macaulay Connor: A magnificence that comes out of your eyes, in your voice, in the way you stand there, in the way you walk. You’re lit from within, Tracy. You’ve got fires banked down in you, hearth-fires and holocausts.
(Katherine Hepburn) Tracy Lord: I don’t seem to you made of bronze?
Macaulay Connor: No, you’re made out of flesh and blood. That’s the blank, unholy surprise of it. You’re the golden girl, Tracy. Full of life and warmth and delight. What goes on? You’ve got tears in your eyes.
Tracy Lord: Shut up, shut up. Oh, Mike. Keep talking, keep talking. Talk, will you?
From: thewaymouth
Time: June 27, 2007, 2:10 pm
FYI: I just added Scott Storch as a MySpace friend, and wrote him a long letter, including much of what I wrote Paris in prison.
Here’s what I wrote just to him.
Subject: Cheers to THE PRODUCER of the Year.
“That’s hot…
Scott Storch.”
The first words of the best album in a damn long time.
The best hot damn production I’ve heard since
All hail the almighty blazing torch of Scott Storch.
I’ve written all over the Internet, newspapers, Rolling Stone, PARIS was the best album of the year.
You got to do more w/Paris.
Another album.
Get her to tour.
Someone has to.
To you.
& to our friend
being free…
From: admin
Time: June 27, 2007, 2:14 pm
Let us know when he reads it or writes you back.